-1.6 C
21 March 2025, Friday


IPARD II Call Calendar for 2024 has started

Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK) IPARD III PERIOD 2024 Call Calendar has been published.

UR-GE Project Application Approved

There are 15 member companies in our project to be implemented in Ordu province.

Black Sea Exporters Union and Istanbul Exporters Union

In 2023, the "top 20 companies" exporting the most hazelnuts and hazelnut products announced their data.

The Agricultural-Based Investments Implementation Guide has been Published

Rural Development Investment Support Program 2023-24 Application Period

Green Industry Support Program for SMEs

Project proposal announcement is for 14 million TL.

ISO Turkey’s Second 500 Industrial Enterprises

Congratulations to our members who made the list of "Turkey's Second 500 Industrial Enterprises".

Salary Support Opportunity for Businesses Creating New Employment

Salary support will be provided at 50% of the cost of the minimum wage to the employer.

Ordu Commodity Exchange Press Release

Hazelnut export market situation.

URGE Project Continues

Our URGE Project training, titled “Foreign Trade Practices and Risks,” was conducted in our exchange’s training hall on January 16-17, 2025, with a presentation by expert Nihat TURAN.

The First 500 Companies of Anatolia

The First 500 Companies of Anatolia I congratulate our 8 companies originating...

Visit from Defterdar Mehmet Tarık Törer

Mr. Mehmet Tarık Törer, the Defterdar of Ordu, paid a courtesy...

We remember with respect, love, and longing.

November 10th... It is a day of eternal and profound mourning for...

Visit from the Ordu Associations Federation (ORDEF) to our Commodity Exchange

A delegation consisting of association managers, led by ORDEF President Necati...

The Ordu Province Chamber/Commodity Exchanges Consultation Meeting was held.

The Ordu Province Chamber/Commodity Exchanges Consultation Meeting was held. On September 26,...

Exchange Rate

TRY - Turkish Lira

Weather Forecast

light snow
-1.6 ° C
-1.6 °
-1.6 °
99 %
100 %
-2 °
1 °
6 °
10 °
15 °


Everything about hazelnut...

NewsletterORDU TB Bulletin
Featured News on the Organisation and the Agenda

Member ServicesMEMBERS ONLY
Institution Empowered by Its Members

Member and Staff Survey

Your participation in our surveys is important for us to be able to evaluate your requests.

Calculate Hazelnut Profit

You can calculate the gross earnings of your hazelnut, whose yield is predetermined.

Youtube Videos

You can follow the videos on our Ordu Commodity Exchange youtube channel here.

2023 Fair Calendar

You can follow the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey 2023 Fair Calendar here.