19.3 C
9 July 2024, Tuesday

November 24 Teachers’ Day

We celebrate the meaningful day of all our teachers with our heartfelt emotions.

“Teachers; you will raise the new generation, and the new generation will be the result of your efforts in the path shown by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the dedicated teachers and educators of the Republic. In the country he established, on the 100th anniversary of our Republic, November 24th, “Teachers’ Day” is even more meaningful.

On November 24, 1928, with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk accepting the Headship of the “People’s Schools,” the teaching profession was honored, and we were given the opportunity to live and perpetuate this honor.

I sincerely congratulate all our teachers on this meaningful day and extend my condolences to the teachers who have passed away.

Happy Teachers’ Day on November 24th!”

Ordu Commodity Exchange
Chairman of the Board of Directors

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